Welcome to the New Year. I know traditionally the new year starts January 1, but it seems to me that January is a transitional month. Depending on your circumstances, the last year has been either very busy and profitable or one of struggle and stress. And with Covid19 the last 2 years, it hasn’t been very good for anyone.
After the Christmas holidays, everything is packed up and tucked away. January is here and it’s time for new beginnings. A time for reflections both personally and professionally. I’m filled with excitement and love for all the possibilities that are coming.
So today, February 1, it begins.
Welcome to Sophia’s Flowers 2022.
Today is Chinese New Year and it’s the Year of the Tiger. Traditionally it’s the symbol of Bravery, Wisdom, and Strength. Sounds wonderful after covid.
The lucky colors are Cerulean blue?, Fiery red, mint green, & imperial yellow.
This past Saturday, the flower market was a beehive of activity. The market is open to the public on Saturday’s and it was bustling that day. So many people were buying large, tall, flowery branches, with yellow and red flowers, in anticipation of decorating their space, and celebrating the new year.
Happy New Year. May it be a good one.